
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday!

        Emma turned 5 this year! Nanie came out for 10 days, and Emma had fun having a new person to read stories with.  There were extra hands to bounce Annika when she fussed.  Around the weekend more family came to town. Aunt Margaret, Uncle Dominic and Patrick came down from Minnesota and stayed at our house. Aunt Lauren and Charlie and Great Aunt Kay flew into Madison the same night as Papa. Papa stayed at our house while the rest of that crew stayed at Aunt Susan's. Aunt Emily also came up and crashed on our floor.
         Saturday morning Emma and Patrick had a blast raking leaves and playing outside. Dominic and Daddy helped. :) Emma spotted two bald eagles soaring. Annika seemed to like the fresh air when she came out with Aunt Susan. That was a fun sighting!
           The invitations featured 5 butterflies so we stuck with the butterfly theme as much as possible. Saturday was the party at 3 pm with dinner of Papa's famous spaghetti sauce served over butterfly pasta. There were sauteed brussel sprouts (and something) that the aunts cooked up along with salad, bread, and rosy glow punch.  Pretzel and caramel butterflies were fluttering around. Tom and Karen made it over around present time and stayed for dinner and dessert. Aunt Susan made the cake topped with butterflies that the ladies decorated, including Emma! Guests colored butterflies to hang on the wall (they are still there) during waiting periods. Annika fussed a bit, but then happily slept in various willing arms.
On Sunday we all headed to Aunt Susan's for a delicious brunch followed by some walking around the zoo. It's always a favorite place to visit. The sun was shining and it was a glorious day.
         We also celebrated Emma's birthday with Great Grandma and Uncle Chuck on a day-trip to Illinois with Nanie. Emma loved the barbie and accessories she got from Uncle Chuck and the create your own fairy tale kit from Great Grandma.

      At the end of October Great Aunt Jan and Great Aunt Jackie came out. They all had a blast dressing up and trick or treating! Emma and Annika had a fun movie night with popcorn so Mommy and Daddy could have a night out. Fun for all!