
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Camping- Wyalusing SP

This weekend we went to Wylusing State Park for the first time and it was fantastic! A quick impromptu vote in the car on the way out of the park put Wyalusing in the lead passing Rock Island and Madeleine Island for Annika. Emma has them all tied. No matter the specific votes, it is a very cool, very special spot.
We did some canoeing on the Mississippi River slough today before leaving. Annika was the most vocal about canoeing. Apparently she wasn't concerned about the need to wear a life vest, something that was a huge deal breaker for the last "fun day" of swim lessons this summer. The rivers are flooded because of the huge amounts of rain over the last few weeks. So there were trees and grasses and other land plants that were poking up in strange places. The water was flowing but not too fast to push us out of sight of the dock area (a mandatory requirement since the canoe trail was closed). The first time out on the water Annika was at the helm, I sat behind her on the canoe bottom with Bandit, next came Emma and Steve was steering. Bandit did really well but I also had her on a very short leash. It was quiet and peaceful except for the fast-moving trains that went barreling down the tracks every so often.
We took a break for lunch and then the girls and I went back out. This time Emma was up front and really knows how to paddle. I was steering in the back. We enjoyed the shade of some close-to-shore spaces. The canoeing was a highlight for sure!
On Saturday we woke up and headed to some points of interest such as some burial mounds and the Passenger Pigeon monument. Annika was grumbling in the van about hiking but once we got to the scenic overlooks and took in the awesome views of the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers she was leading us down the trails. We hiked for a good 2.5-3 hours down and up and around the ridges. We had to go "off-roading" a couple times when the trail was found covered with water for many feet. It was an adventure. While sitting around the campfire later Annika had this to say (out of the blue): I am glad I didn't complain today. Wow- so cool! (Hiking at Rock Island was one for the books and involved many tears, screaming and complaining for most of the hiking.)
After some rest that afternoon we went on a driving tour of some of the spots we had not seen. Lots to save for next time. And speaking of next time, we are definitely going to reserve a spot in the Wisconsin Ridge campground instead of Homestead. The views for many of them are breathtaking! Plus there are more hammock options. On the way home Emma made a list of the places we would like to visit next summer and beyond. Wyalusing is top!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Annika's 6th Birthday was Grrrr-reat!

Annika wanted her party to be tiger themed. So I donated some money to National Geographic when they emailed me about saving the tigers. Then we threw her a kids' party at the local park. We cut ribbon into lengths of tails and secured them to mini, orange clothespins. These were used to dress-up and to play catch the tails. Only a few kids wanted to chase each other around but they had fun. One of A's friends won the game with 3 tails. They used the tails to play pin the tail on the tiger. Emma had drawn the tail-less tiger on a reused piece of poster board. They all loved that. Annika and one other friend got their tails the closest to the actual spot. They also ran around the castle play structure, swung on the swings and generally played around in the warm sunshine.

Lots of food in orange and black colors. Cheeto paws and puffs. Carrots (with ranch dip that I forgot to put out until later), blackberry + cantaloupe skewers, a bowl of alternating rows of cubed orange cheese and black olives. Pizza for the main course followed by cupcakes in tiger striped wrappers, made by grandma and topped with tiger faces on sticks.

Annika also wanted whiskers and a black nose. It was so cute to see her and her friends running around like tigers. It was a great time at the park!

What she said she wanted to do all year long (since her 5th birthday) was to go back to Rock Island State Park. So the day after her birthday we headed up there for a 3-night camping adventure. So much fun was had! Swimming, hiking (though Annika was not a fan of this part and let the entire island know by her very loud, very long-lasting vocal complaints), roasting marshmallows, playing a stopping game on the hammock, sleeping in the tents and enjoying nature.

Annika and Emma shared the 2-person tent. Huge first time adventure for all of us! They have never slept in a tent without either Mommy or Daddy. And despite a few squabbles, it was a great experience.

One of the highlights was when Bandit swam out to all of us out in the water. She didn't want to be left alone on the shore so she joined us. It was so cute. After that we had to let her have some swimming time by going out to fetch sticks. (She doesn't really get the entire fetching process but she got to swim and chew on some sticks!)

My thoughts to "Little A" on your 6th birthday:  You are quite the energetic and out-spoken girl. You know what you want and are not afraid to do your best to make that happen. You can be fiery and fierce but you also know that the best feelings are those of kindness. You have a big heart and a loving soul. Your hugs and kisses are the best! I have gotten teary eyed several times so far this school year as I watched your little face peering up over the edge of the bus window as it drove away. You wave and blow kisses and try to make the "I love you" sign with your fingers- all the way until the bus passes out of sight. It is so hard to watch you moving away from me like that- going off to world where I cannot go. As you start 1st grade this year it is especially hard because this is how it will be. You are growing up and I am learning how to let you do that on your own, in your own special, unique way. I will be here always to support and love you, no matter what path you take. I know that with your intelligence, curiosity and zest for life, you will do amazing things. Happy birthday!