
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fanny Pack Sister

I had to take Annika to work with me on Wednesday. It made my bosses day. "I love this baby! She is the best baby in the world."
so anyway, I am almost done teaching when Julie comes down obviously looking for something. she asks me if I have any extra pants for Annika, which of course I do not. Is this my first time packing a diaper bag or what? Julie tells me that Annika leaked through a little but she thinks they have spare pants her size downstairs. No biggie!
So i start cleaning up forgetting that my daughter is roaming around in the offices when i look up and see Virginia heading my way along with Little A.
Mommy: (laughter)
Virginia: (laughter) isn't this great?
Annika: (stops, gives a weird half smile and observes my response)
Mommy: oh my goodness, that is too much! Look at you, Annie, with no pants on. You are too cute. (laughter)
Virginia: she said no to the extra pants. All she wanted was her fanny pack back on. (laughter)

There are no photos to go with this post unfortunately. It would have been priceless. so instead my words will have to paint a mental picture.
Annika is wearing a bright green short sleeve shirt. Her hair is half up in an off-center, floppy do. She is wearing white socks with her dirty white Robeez. You can kind of see her bulky cloth diaper with blue flower wrap underneath the adult-size dark blue fanny pack. It hangs loosely in front like a cat's jungle pouch and is weighed down with something. the straps are dangling almost to the ground on both sides of the pack. Every once in awhile Annika's hands rest in the open front pocket. she wears an impish grin alternating with a contented gaze.

Virginia: she wanted to put some rocks and tree cookies in there. (Chuckles)
Mommy: wow, look at your collection. That is really something. (endearing laughter and a hug)

Annika wore the fanny pack up until the moment I strapped her into the stroller and tucked her into my fleece sweatshirt. Thankfully she did not put up a fight at that point.

Monday, April 7, 2014

sleep tent

Who knew that preparing for a plane trip could be so much fun?  I set up the travel sleep crib so Annika could see it and maybe remember it come sleepy time in France.  and I also wanted to see how easy it was to set-up; very!

Emma: can I go in?
Mama: I don't think thats a good idea.
Emma: aww.
Annika: gibberish

The next thing I knew, Emma was in the tent, too.
Emma: she wanted me in here.

I have to admit that it certainly seemed that way.

Annika: all kinds of happy gibberish. Plus- "that, that, that, " while pointing at things she wants in the tent with her.

Emma: here, Annika, we are making this a little baby house.
She added some water (in bottle form and then had to promptly wipe up some droplets), a book, plush toys and plastic toys. Annika still seems content. When I asked Emma to unzip the crib Annika whined a bit.
Emma: see, she wants it zipped up.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bleak Winter

I wish I could say that this posting will be the start of a new era- keeping up with this blog!  But I will not make promises I cannot keep.

My only guess at why I have not written since November is the weather. This winter has been an absolute nightmare. I should not really be complaining. The winter before was when we were in the throes of colic and potty regression. That was a different kind of nightmare. The dark days of this winter were literally due to the large number of cloudy days. No sun is bound to make things dark and dreary.

Besides the lack of sunshine, we were confined to the great indoors a majority of the winter because it was too cold to go out. School children were in their classrooms for weeks at a time. Emma and her friends had a rough transition to a new set of teachers (Miss Beckie stayed the constant and positive beacon) while also having to remain inside. The outdoor classroom is a magical place that allows for the release of excess energy that can lead to unusual behaviors inside.

Miss Beckie asked me to lead music every Tuesday from 12-12:30 in exchange for Emma staying late on Mondays without a fee. It has been really fun and I think Emma loves having me in the classroom regularly. It is that part of the week and day that I am guaranteed and enthusiastic hug!

On the days that were warm enough (we are talking even 20 degrees or less if the sun was shining) Emma and I longed to go outside and play in the snow. But it became apparent very early on that Annika had different ideas. After one trip outside where snow may have come into contact with her skin (in December) she cried as soon as she saw her boots or snow pants being moved from their semi-permanent location in the entry way. I am not exaggerating her crying.  If the boots ended up on her feet her cries turned into howls. It was amazing. I did try powering through the crying and pulling her in the inner tube sled one day when it was just us two. No amount of enthusiasm on my part could convince her of the fun she was having. That lasted 5 minutes and I am sure the neighbors thought I was torturing her. Maybe I was in her eyes, poor thing. So we limped along and only went out if there was someone to watch Annika inside.

Sue at the nature center reminded me that bringing snow inside could help increase the desire for outside trips. I can't believe that I did not think of that myself- even though I did it with the preschoolers at the nature center. Duh!  So one day while I was making dinner I laid a towel on the floor and brought in a tub of snow. I pulled some measuring cups out of the drawers and tried to get her excited. But as soon as she saw me carrying the snow, Annika started to whine cry and ran in the other room. She tentatively walked close to it after several minutes but cried when I touched it myself.  Emma discovered the tub not long after and was really excited. She had a great time playing with the snow, but not even that was enough to entice little A. That was the last time we tried that.

Once we got closer to spring according to the calendar I tried again to take Annika outside. I let her wear her Robeez and calmly explained when her feet got wet that that is why we wear boots when there are puddles and it is cold outside. So we calmly walked back inside and I grabbed her boots. She immediately started whining but I persevered and just kept calmly stating facts: your feet are going to be so toasty and warm in the boots; now you can splash in the puddles and your feet will stay dry; oh this will be so much fun.

Out we went and she actually stopped whining once we reached the sidewalk. Then she actually smiled a bit and after a couple minutes was confidently strutting up and down the sidewalk, tromping in the shallow puddles. It was magical!  When she tired and began to whine a bit we went right inside. Better to quit while we are ahead.

And that was the genesis of her desire to go outside. Of course winter had other more nefarious plans- there were many days when it was too cold still to venture out. But at lunch time one day Annika pointed out the sliding glass door and grunted happily. She was asking to go outside! so we did for a couple minutes.

Since then spring has still been losing its' battle against the cold convictions of winter.  But the sisters have enjoyed a few days outside together- the first two days of spring actually. Those were a couple of heartwarming, if not ground warming, days. Annika tries to do everything Emma does and finds her so funny.  I wish I could remember the statements and specific interactions. That should be reason enough to blog more regularly!  Emma did take a notebook outside and wrote (phonetically sounded out) some of the spring things she saw around her. I am saving it and adding the page to this beautiful stamped, bound nature book Grandma sent to us awhile ago. It is the start of the family special nature moments book. ahh. Spring get her already so we can explore!!