
Monday, August 31, 2009

Good morning

Actually, come to think of it I can't remember if it was a good morning or a good afternoon. Emma was waking up from a sleeping session- that is apparently all I know. I am getting annoyed with having to repeat myself, but losing my memory is not fun!

Anyway, Emma was waking up the other day. And I feel like I was also waking up and although that does seem like it would argue the case for it being in the morning, that is not necessarily a valid argument. With this cold-thing hanging around my sinuses I have been known to doze during the daylight hours. Anyway (again), there we were slowly coming to our senses, me in my bed and Emma in hers. I was trying very hard not to curse the early hour rays of light that were casting reddish shapes on the insides of my eyelids and was determined to keep my eyes shut tight for a few more minutes at least. And then I heard more than rustling from Emma's room. I heard her little voice. I found myself straining to hear what those happy sounds were really saying. Slowly it became clear. Emma was singing happy birthday! "Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday Seepy Joe (Sleepy Time Joe is her bedtime pal and Emma can't quite get the "L" sound yet), happy birthday to me." It was so cute that I practically jumped out of bed and stormed her room for snuggles and kisses. I tripped on my sleepy feet and went to the bathroom instead. By the time I made it to her room the singing session was over and I had completely forgotten to praise her efforts. Silly sleepy feet anyway.

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