Last weekend we went to Great Grandma's house to celebrate Emma's second birthday. We drove down on Saturday and got there in time for a delicious Swedish meatball lunch. It was complete with spaetzle, cheesy, bacon garlic bread, broccoli and birthday cake. Emma successfully blew out both candles, one at a time. That was cool!
Nap was an interesting time. For one thing Emma actually slept for about 1.5 hours (a record for Great Grandma's house). For another thing she refused to sleep on the cushion on the floor. I know this sounds weird but lately she has been sleeping on a blanket on the floor of her bedroom so this was a step up! Where she wanted to sleep instead was on the big bed- the big bed that Steve and I would be sharing later that night. But we let her do it.
When she woke up we opened some presents. Great Grandma got her some fun squirty bath toys, numbers and letters for the bath, and a drum set. It isn't what you are thinking. She didn't get a drum set that has a bass drum, snare, cymbals and the works. This drum set has sticks, a tambourine, a harmonica, and a carrying strap. Plus everything fits in the drum for easy storage. What fun! There was also a box of presents that Nanie and Papa had sent. Emma got some shorts, a red and black outfit, washable markers, and a savings bond. Emma had a great time making dots with the markers.
We had a delicious scrambled egg and leftover dinner and then it was bath time! Emma loved the numbers and letters. They stick to the walls! Predictably, when it came time for bed Emma would not even consider the cushion bed on the floor. So we surrounded her with pillows and Steve tucked her into the big bed. Meanwhile I made him a little pile of blankets on the floor. It was a terrible sleeping night! Emma rolls and kicks and steals the covers. Plus, she woke up for a looooong time in the middle of the night. She sat up, laid down, rolled over and fidgeted all while chatting or singing. She did use her cute whisper voice most of the time, but I still wasn't able to sleep. At one point I woke up to her throwing her arm over my middle and then draping her top half over my stomach. It was cute and snugly until I began to lose feeling in my arm and leg. Thankfully she did not wake up when I gently moved her back to the center of the bed.
Come morning she slept in until almost 7. Yay! We had a simple cereal breakfast with yogurt, strawberries and blueberries. We left right around 8:30 so that Grandma could get off to church without a fuss. Emma fussed in the car on the ride home from lack of sleep and hunger. I headed off to my soccer game around lunch time, and when I returned home Emma was awake. Her overtired self was not able to take a good nap apparently. But the little frustrations were well worth the joy that Emma gave to Great Grandma. Those are sweet memories to be cherished.
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