shout hooray!
Hooray!If you had spent the last 2 weeks in our house you would have heard that song probably over a hundred times. It is from this great book that Emma loves, called "Tinkle, Tinkle, Little Tot." All the songs and rhymes have to do with using the potty. Thank goodness there is a limit to the number of times you can renew it from the library.
Anyway, Emma woke up Monday morning of last week and said I want to sit on the potty. I don't think she was successful until that night before bath, but at
bath time she said she wanted to go potty and she did! Then, every night before and/or after bath she would go pee pee. For the first few days she would ask for sunflower seeds (her reward) and was so happy and proud to be eating them. (They are chocolate covered, candy coated sunflower seeds.) But by the end of the week she was using her potty without asking for the sunflower seeds.
Yay! Also by the end of the week she was
asking to use the potty at random times during the day- and having success!
Some days she went 3-4 times over the course of a day. It is so exciting.
Now, just like they describe in many books, she hasn't been too keen on using the potty during the day. She seems to like the before/after bath timing. That is just fine with me. I have all the potty books memorized, too. :) Plus, our whole approach has been that Emma is the boss. She doesn't really know that, but we have not pressured her or even asked her about the potty much at all. I think it has been a much more fun process that way, and I am sure that Emma loves being in charge! Don't all 2 year
This morning, Stella (you remember the Cabbage Patch kid without her pants), had some potty time and promptly filled the potty right up with pee pee and poop. I guess Emma doesn't want to be too far ahead of her friends. "Look,
Tella peed and pooped in the potty! Good job!" exclaimed the queen of the potty throne.