Yep, Emma started preschool at the local Montessori school just down the street from us. She started 9/13/10 at 8:30 am. She attends Monday through Thursday from 8:30- 11:30 so we are able to enjoy lunch together every day. The first week she had a couple of mini-meltdowns where she did not want to go to preschool, but they did not last long. She really likes it there! This past week she had a very feeble attempt at not wanting to go. Over breakfast she said in a quiet voice, I don't want to go to preschool. Then less than one minute later she busted out with, I wonder what is for snack today at preschool.
Snack is indeed one of the highlights of her day. Asking about what she ate tends to open the conversation up to other avenues such as what work she did, if she had any lessons, or what her teachers said to her. And of course she is always eager to tell about her friends that cried or did something they were not supposed to do. I think we need to talk about what it means to be a friend. :)
I asked her point blank the other day if she likes going to preschool and if she likes her teacher. An emphatic yes was Emma's response.
Overall I think it is safe to say that we are seeing positive changes in Emma. One day at lunch she was moving her fingers and hand in the Montessori fashion that precludes writing. Emma is great at counting up to ten, not just the words, but counting objects. She still loves to read and actually has been requesting that we read chapter books or much longer books to her. The Velveteen Rabbit is one favorite. The Magic Finger (Roald Dahl) is a humorous book that she likes to listen to. Farmer Boy and On The Banks of Plum Creek (Laura Ingalls Wilder) have become two favorites, too. It just amazes me that she can sit and listen (and absorb) stories without pictures at her age! And finally, Emma is becoming more and more comfortable socializing and interacting with other kids. She is still shy at times, but now she will walk up to kids and tell them things or ask them questions. Like today at a baptismal party, she marched right into a room full of boys playing with Star Wars toys, despite the fact that one boy said that girls were not allowed. :) Not that I think preschool has everything to do with these changes, but I am sure it is doing more good than harm.
As for me, it is hard to say goodbye every morning, and I really miss having Emma's company at the nature center for Wonder Bugs. But, it is easier knowing that she likes preschool and is learning tons. Plus, I do tend to get more done everyday, which will be great for my own schooling. More so than anything, I am just bursting with pride at her accomplishments at her tender age of not quite 3.
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