During one break, we let Audrey and Emma add their own touches to the garden scene in the playroom. Audrey filled in a few flowers, and Emma created a group of roses. Later Aunt Chenoa used her artistic talents and added some highlights to really make it look like a group of roses!
Emma was upset at first when we moved things out of the playroom and when I painted the walls a pale green. She even said a couple of times, "I don't want flowers on the walls. I want my room to stay white like it is." But now that she has seen the wonders that her aunts can do- she is excited. (Except that the room is still torn apart and I need to finish painting....)
Perhaps Emma would say that the best part of the day were the presents that Aunt Chenoa brought. (Auntie Em and I tried to make it a no-gift party, except for the potted petunias I gave to my friends, but Chenoa couldn't resist!) There was an awesome green and blue big girl backpack with a Zane CD/DVD, baby socks, and recycled plastic tugboat and chew rings. This was Emma's gift for having fun with the baby. She loves the backpack and has kept it filled with things for camp ever since! The other present was for baby only; an adorable outfit, brag book, and Sandra Boynton book. Emma was excited about reading the book to the baby. So cute.
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