
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Brighter side

I do not feel like I can end my blogging for the day with "losing my cool." There are so many other, more inspiring things to say.

Emma watched me drink the milk out of my cereal bowl this morning. I did not think anything of it. Not much later, she grabbed her bowl and tried drinking out of it! I stopped myself from asking to her put it down when I realized that she was imitating me. If I don't want her to do that with her bowl, I better not do it with mine! So instead I watched her and took her picture. The funniest part of the whole scene was that her cereal did not have any liquid left! It was just a bunch of mush! So when she put the bowl up to her mouth the cereal fell out into her mouth, her bib, the highchair, the floor in big globs. She didn't mind! In fact, I think she had fun and ate more cereal (with bananas and raisins) than she would have otherwise. It was too funny!

Just a couple of days ago I turned around to find Emma standing slalom on her scooter! She had both hands on the handle bars, one foot on the seat, and was pushing herself up off the floor with her other foot. She balanced that way for a few seconds before dropping safely back to the floor. I could not believe my eyes! I didn't say anything at first because I didn't want to scare her (and potentially cause a fall). And then I chose my words carefully so that she would not want to do it again just because I said no. (She is testing a lot these days.) So I told her to be careful and that scooters are for sitting on. I wonder if she was listening...

Yesterday I happened to be on the phone with Steve when I peered around the corner to find her standing on her scooter again! This time she was trying to get both feet on the seat. Again, I did not rush right over there for the same reasons. The scooter was in the middle of the room on the carpeting, which is safer than on the pergo. And at least she was using both hands to balance herself! (I don't want to take pictures in case she sees that as positive reinforcement.)

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