9/27/12 While I was making breakfast Annika was in the bouncer and happy. Emma was watching her. "Oh oh, a little spit up," she said while she dabed at Annika's face with a burp cloth. Then Emma started to play with the magnetic letters on the fridge. With every letter ("E"- this is easy! E says eh and E") she would hold it in front of Annika's face. And so began school. I was Emma's assistant I think. She did almost every letter. And next, "Now I'm going to teach her all the animals!" And Emma showes all the animals to Annika and told her the sounds they make. She did have help from the barn that goes with the animals. It was very sweet. Next Emma continued the schooling with the animal tracks cards. Nene or Hawaiian goose was one that they studied; Emma had to ask what it was. She repeated it right back to Annika.
Our first visit back to church since August 12th, Annika's due date was the same day as the Harvest Meal. Annika fussed a bit so I took her out to the narthex for awhile. Back in church Steve held her and she fell asleep. Everyone was oohing and ahhing over her.One old man during the shring of the peace said, Wow! He needs a haircut!" Steve told me that his wife came up to Steve and said her husband was jealous because the baby has more hair than him. Emma sat near Aunt Susan and when she was asked if she was going to the Harvest Meal, Emma said, "Yes as long as Annika doesn't spoil it and we can't go."
At the Harvest Meal, Pastor Jeff told us we make beautiful babies. Rachel held Annika and was very calm when Annika fussed and cried. Emma and Joe (a 3 year old) had fun chasing each other around. We left the meal when Annika was good and angry.
My Boys Turn 7 . . .
8 years ago