
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Toothy Business

At church on Sunday October 7th Emma was munching on a fruit leather. Actually she was suv=cking on it and pulling it out from between her closed-together top and bottom teeth. suddenly she says Mommy I have a loose tooth!  her voice was all wavy. i got a tad panicky (so not ready for loose teeth- is she really old enough?) so i say um which tooth?  it's bloody and she is starting to cry. let's go get some water at the fountain. emma really starts to cry and buries her head in my shoulder. i try to gently lift her head and tell her it will be better with some water/ she gets up and buries her face in daddy's chest. he asks her what is wrong and she shows and tells him. i say that i told her to come get some water but she wouldn't. he tells her something that causes her to get up and follow me out. in the narthex i say it must be scary but it happens and it will feel better to rinse her mouth. then we check it out in the bathroom mirror. she is sort of calmed down now and seems mostly concerned with the bloody taste. soo we take a cup of water back in.  slowly she stops lookin worried and begins to play with the tooth. after church when we leave and say how excitint it all is she gets upset and tells us not to be excited.  daddy suggests a culvers treat to celebrate but that we have to be able to be exvoted. emma slowly agrees that it is ok to be excited we just can't show it a lot.  at culvers she wiggles her tooth a lot and tells us about spencer who has a lost tooth.  she is excited all day about  the tooth fairy and telling everyone at school.
next morning she still has her tooth and says she is going to tell everyone about it. when i pick her up she still has a tooth but it is super loose. we reasd stories and she pulls the guardoan silver swan box that aunt susan gave her. we set it up on her nightstand.
after nap we arr getting ready to watch a moive. as i set annika on the ground emma says i lost my tooth!  i urned and there she was standing lookin shocked. i dropped it she says. so we start looking on the ground. moommy i think it is in my sleeve. it falls out and she says ooh gross it is bloody. then she happily puts it in the swan. She doesn't like the blood though and gets shaky and teaery-eyed. i give her ice and she chatters about the hole. she is excited to tell daddy qwhen he gets home.
before bed she tells me that she wants to keep her tooth. can we write anote asking the tooth fairy to leave her tooth? i don't see why not so daddy writes it for her. dear tooth fairy please don't take my tooth.
in the morning there is a note from the tooth fairy written in cursive, pink and purple handwriting, dear emma lovely tooth. TF.  Emma asks me how the tooth fiary knew to write in her favorite colors and how the tooth fairy gets in. I told her the tooth fairy is magic. Emma thought it amusing that the tooth fairy wrote emma how she did (with very curvey, drawn out "m"s).
She said she was going to show everyone at school her hole- especially Spencer.  When I asked her what Spencer said she responded, "hole."  hee hee 4 year old humor!

I wanted to take her picture but she said she doesn't want a picture with a hole. Christmas pictures will be really difficult I guess.  And now her other tooth on the bottom is loose!

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